TALO - theater airlift liaison officer
TALO stands for theater airlift liaison officer
Here you will find, what does TALO stand for in Military under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate theater airlift liaison officer? theater airlift liaison officer can be abbreviated as TALO What does TALO stand for? TALO stands for theater airlift liaison officer. What does theater airlift liaison officer mean?theater airlift liaison officer is an expansion of TALO
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Alternative definitions of TALO
- Teach and Learn Online
- teaching and learning online
- Time After Lift Off
- Tactical Airlift Liaison Officer
View 6 other definitions of TALO on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- TAR Training and Administration of the Reserve
- TARBS transportable amplitude modulation and frequency modulation radio broadcast system
- TARBUL target bulletin
- TARE tactical record evaluation
- TAREX target plans and operations
- TARWI target weather and intelligence
- TAS tactical atmospheric summary
- T-ASA Television Audio Support Agency
- TASCID tactical Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) satellite compensation interface device
- TASKORD tasking order
- TASMO tactical air support for maritime operations
- TASS tactical automated switch system
- TAT tactical analysis team